What is The Russian New Knowledge?

What if we could go back in time before a situation developed, was triggered, or started? What if we could make a different choice and move into a different energy, or action/decision NOW? If we could change the energetic past, what would the current reality be? Russian scientist and clairvoyant Grigori Grabovoi researched and developed the Russian New Knowledge healing system. We can use our intent, his techniques, consciousness, and awareness to make these changes. Once we change the past, we watch things shift in the present moment and move forward. This is only one aspect of the Russian New Knowledge! Combined with Matrix Energetics and other cutting-edge processes the changes can be life altering...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


This is my Energy Creations website! Feel free to email me with any questions you may have!

How A Distance Session Works- The Russian New Knowledge/Matrix sessions are available on any situations you choose, for yourself, or others. Several issues may be addressed in one session. It works for everything- relationships, illnesses, business areas. What if we could go back in time before a situation developed, was triggered, or started? What if we could make a different choice and move into a different action/decision NOW? If we could change the past, what would the current reality be? Russian scientist, and clairvoyant, Grigori Grabovoi researched and developed this system. We can use our intent, consciousness, and awareness to make these changes. Once we change the past, we watch things shift in the present moment and move forward. This is only one aspect of the Russian New Knowledge! 

I usually get the information I need about what you'd like to work on over the phone or thru an email. Then we set up a time to do the session, after payment. I usually ask the client sit or lay down, undisturbed, for about 15-30 minutes during the session. This is not mandatory.

If you fall asleep, that's ok! Then watch for whatever shows up, what's different? The results can show up right away, or it can tend to show up over a period of days. The time can varies. After a session you might want to chart your changes, and please give me some feedback on how things went! These sessions are great for your animal companions as well! I'd be happy to talk to you about your concerns.

Go to the top of this page and click on the PayPal button, $85.00 per session, then email to schedule your session- energycreations@msn.com

Interesting anomaly (above) of "Russian New Knowledge Number Codes" bracelet I made- note the "glow". The photo taken on top of a piece of white paper, no flash. The bracelet appears "alive", and to be interacting with other multi-dimensional energies

A Recent Successful Remote Session- On a canine companion in Montana: The owner told me a trip to the “vet would be very stressful. But in the last week we have seen a marked increase in her water consumption (this started after a large emesis of undigested food), and she has started having what I might term incontinent episodes. As well as huge pees on rugs, floors, couch.

Only 24 hours after doing a remote session, the owner reported-

She definitely is drinking less water today.  No incontinent urinations. I think the itching has definitely slowed down (I had tweaked the energy the next day- a mini session).  Thanks for the attention to the itching, I have tried so many things, she always seems quite miserable w/it. Thanks for all the attention to this bundle of  symptoms. Then two days later:  The urinary thing is definitely gone. 

Thanks, Mary, 

Don't forget how much your animal companions can benefit from energy healing! I love working with them!!!

My Little Visitor- This little sweetheart flew into the sliding glass door on our deck. I did some of the New Knowledge work on it and played with that energy. I left it alone for a few minutes, but I was afraid our chickens, or a local cat, might go after it. So, I picked it up. We had quite a conversation! It stayed on my fingers for several minutes, very calm and curious. I'm sure that our energy exchange helped it too. It flew away a minute after my husband took the photo...

Gregg Braden on Curing Cancer Using Our Own Technology of Emotion-

I have found these tools from the Russian "New Knowledge Organ Regeneration" technique, to be one of THE most cutting edge, powerful tools I have found yet!!! It's an easy to learn set of tools, and you don't need to be energy-sensitive for it to work. Wendy Down studied in Thailand, with authorized teachers.
"To insist that the only reality are phenomenon that can be submitted to the paradigm of classical science is itself a religion"- Dietrick Thomson

Email From M.E. workshop attendees- "Hi Nancy, My husband Terry and I recently met you at the L.A. Matrix Energetics seminar. You are so gifted in how you use your healing energy, Nancy! The pure intention that you have in helping others is where your power exists. For this reason, you will be sought after by others. You helped a lot of people and in doing so, you raised your heart's vibration! From the moment that I met you with Marla Frees, I knew that you would be doing so much more. I am so proud of you for the wonderful person you have become! Blessings to you Nancy!~ Love and Hugs! Kathy Lake, Oakhurst, CA"                  
                       ***More Testimonials Below***                             
Email I recieved recently after doing Matrix Energetics on "haunted" property in Idaho-
"Thank you again for coming out to perform the clearing techniques. What an amazing thing to be able to do for people who are 'troubled'. This morning when I went outside and was walking out to my car, I happened to look up at the 'green' shed and noticed a huge difference in the light of the whole area... I commented to my husband about what a huge change that I noticed. There was an amazing difference in the energy. I can also tell a difference by just walking near those buildings; it's just not so heavy and thick. I am planning on getting a hold of the Matrix Energetics book and reading about what this is all about. I am looking forward to having an orgone generator, or a few around here in the future... Thanks SO MUCH again, for coming to our aid!! My youngest daughter said to give you a big THANKS also...she notices an enormous difference in how she 'feels' here now. After having experienced the difference out here I wish that I could shout it out from a soap box somewhere. I would hope for everyone experiencing such negativity, and wanting relief, may somehow find this amazing technique and gifted persons such as yourself to help them. "Things don't just happen, things happen just". It is a blessing that I found your website, perhaps it was just finally time to have things change. Again, thanks a million, and you probably haven't seen the last of me. Looking forward to 'sweet' dreams, bless you, and hope to learn from you further",
B.H., Idaho